0 In Energy Healing/ Reiki/ Spirituality

8 Creative Ways to Use Reiki

8 Creative Ways to Use Reiki by Timmie Horvath (Wanechko Policarpio) - The Sacred Wellness School of Healing Arts Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Chakra Therapy Certification Aromatherapy Essential Oil Safety

Empower your entire life with Reiki!

Reiki is a powerful and effective energy healing modality for physical and energetic healing, but it is so much more than that.

Here are 8 creative and practical ways to apply Reiki to your life.

Use Reiki to Empower Your Food and Beverages

Channel Reiki to your food while it cooks! I personally love to draw the Cho Ku Rei (Power) Symbol over my food while it’s on the stove. If you aren’t yet attuned to any of the Reiki symbols, you can simply place your hands over your food and channel Reiki.

You can do this with food that you buy as well, simply by drawing Reiki symbols over it before you eat, or by holding your hands over your food and channeling Reiki.

Don’t forget about your beverages! I always empower my morning coffee with Reiki, and I love charging my water with Reiki (as well as crystals). I simply hold the sides of our water dispenser and channel Reiki energy. You may find that your water tastes fresher too!

Keep Your Electronics “Healthy”

All of your electronics can benefit from Reiki, including your WIFI ? I regularly “charge” my phone with Reiki, especially if I find that it starts to get slow or freeze. It works for me!

If you work with computers on a regular basis, you might have noticed that your computer and the WIFI tend to respond to your mood; that is, when you’re stressed and rushed, you’re more likely to lose emails, experience freezing, or lose your connection all together. That’s because your vibrational frequency is affecting the frequency of the computer as well!

If you find yourself in the midst of a tech standstill, try channeling Reiki to the computer, printer, and/or copy machine. You can place your hands on it and channel, or you can draw a symbol over it.

Regular Reiki love will help your electronics last as long as possible.

Bless and Protect Your Vehicle

In the same way that Reiki can benefit your electronics, Reiki can benefit your vehicle as well! Lots of people have also reported improved gas mileage after regularly channeling Reiki to their gas tanks. What have you got to lose?

I like to channel Reiki to my vehicle via the steering wheel – I simply channel Reiki while I drive, and I intend for Reiki to flow throughout the vehicle, keeping me and my occupants safe and protected while on the road.

One more thing I’ll mention: Whenever I pass by an accident on the road, I visualize the Cho Ku Rei Symbol and send it to everyone involved, including the emergency response team. It’s a quick and easy way to send love to the situation.

Create Safe and Sacred Space

Reiki can energetically cleanse any space and lift the vibrations of any environment. If you have your Level 1 attunement, you can use your hands to “beam” Reiki around the room, after giving it a proper clean and tidy.

If you have your Level 2 (and up) attunement, you can simply draw the Cho Ku Rei Symbol on all four walls and in the middle of the room. Cho Ku Rei gives a supercharged boost of Reiki energy, and it’s also a very protective symbol which will help to maintain a safe space.

Don’t forget your doors! I regularly draw a giant Cho Ku Rei on our front door and all major doorways that receive plenty of traffic. I do this before and after I’ve had visitors in my home, to both bless those who enter and leave, and to protect my home from people who may be harmful in any way.

Cleanse and Charge Crystals

Reiki is my FAVOURITE way to cleanse and charge my crystals, hands down (see what I did there? ?).

If you’re a Level 1 Practitioner, you can hold your crystals in your hands, or you can hover your hands over your crystal collection, and channel Reiki. This will both cleanse the crystals and charge them with Reiki energy.

If you’re a Level 2+ Practitioner, you can use the Cho Ku Rei Symbol or the Dai Ko Myo (Master) Symbol (Level 3 only) to quickly cleanse and charge your crystals, as well as activate crystal grids. If you have a large collection of crystals, you an use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance) Symbol to simultaneously send Reiki to all of them – saving you tons of time!

Level 3/Master Practitioners can also attune their crystals to Reiki, so that they become permanent conduits of Reiki energy. Crystals that have been attuned to Reiki can be incredible healing partners, and can be powerful catalysts for change.

Cleanse Your Clothes

Do you like to go thrift shopping? Consider the energy of the clothes that you take home – they may still have the residual energy of their previous owner, and you’d be wearing that every day!

Use Reiki to energetically cleanse all of your new clothes, especially the second-hand ones. You may also want to consider using Reiki to cleanse clothes that you’ve worn while experiencing a traumatic event or during a very stressful time; as well as clothes that you wear while working with others, such as scrubs, uniforms, lab coats, etc.

It’s not a bad idea to regularly channel Reiki to your closet. You can even set the intention for Reiki to help guide you in keeping the clothes that you really need, and releasing the clothes that you don’t to others. Remember to bless the clothes that you donate with Reiki as well, for the benefit of the new owners ?

Empower Your Medications

Reiki can be an asset to any healing journey. It’s never a question of “this vs. Reiki”, rather, simply allow Reiki to be a part of your healing.

If you need to take medication for any reason, channel Reiki to your medication to further boost its healing power and to reduce side effects.

Adding Reiki to your medication schedule can also help to make what is usually a burdensome task into a sacred ritual, which can help with compliance, and ultimately, healing ?

Send Reiki to Deities or Those Who Have Passed Over

This is a practice that I’ve read about from both Diane Stein (author and creator of Essential Reiki) and William Lee Rand (founder of the International Center for Reiki Training): channel Reiki to God, Jesus, Buddha, the Saints – any Deity or Ascended Master that you resonate with!

This is a beautiful way to express your gratitude for the blessings in your life, and many people who do this regularly say that they receive tremendous healing and blessings in return.

You can also channel Reiki to people who have passed away. Using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol (Level 2+ Practitioners) is a great way to connect with them in this way; but if you’re a Level 1 Practitioner, you can also channel Reiki using your palms to a photo or any object that symbolizes them.

You can also empower flowers or gifts with Reiki before placing them on memorials, or sending them to family. Reiki can also be used to consecrate and protect memorial sites.

When it comes to applying Reiki to your everyday life, you are limited only by your imagination! Reiki is Divinely guided, and there isn’t anything that can’t benefit from some Reiki Love.

I hope you enjoyed these suggestions! I’d love to hear your ideas – please share in the comments!

Timmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Essential OilsTimmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Essential Oils

P.S. Looking for a Reiki Primer? Read my post, Reiki 101!

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