0 In Astrology

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini by Timmie Horvath | The Sacred Wellness School of Healing Arts | Edmonton and St. Albert | Reiki Training, Crystal Healing Certification, Chakra Therapy Certification, Aromatherapy Training, Essential Oil Safety

“I’m a Gemini, so I change my mind every day.” – Natalie Portman

Welcome to a fresh New Moon in Gemini! This Zodiac Sign, symbolized by the Twins, is ruled by the Planet Mercury. As a Deity, Mercury rules over matters of communication, travel, and the intellect.

On the one hand, Mercury acts as a protector and guide, helping to enhance transactions and protect travellers on their journeys; on the other hand, Mercury is also seen as a trickster God. And so goes the energy of the Twin! Neither positive nor negative, Mercury exemplifies personality traits that are two sides of the same coin.

Whether as a Deity, planetary energy, or archetype, Mercury and Gemini point to the swift and changeable nature of life, and indeed, our minds. As ruler of the intellect and all mental affairs, Gemini energy strongly correlates with all things related to the mind: everything from our anxious tendencies to our genius ideas.

Gemini people are typically fast learners and analytical thinkers. The flip side to this coin is a tendency toward anxiety and “analysis paralysis”; due to their quick minds and wild imaginations, Geminis can easily spiral out of control and become overwhelmed by their worries and fears.

For many students, this time of year is the most stressful, as the school year winds down for exam season before summer break. If you’re one of these students, take advantage of the strong Gemini energy in the air, and use it as a reminder to maintain your mental focus on your studies.

New Moon Intentions for Gemini Season

Train Your Brain

If anything, consider Gemini Season as a friendly cosmic reminder to take care of your mental health. You may consider adding some of the following to your wellness routine:

  • A daily meditation practice
  • Morning pages a la Julia Cameron
  • Nature walks
  • “Brain game” apps
  • Seeing a counsellor or therapist

You may even consider setting a new reading goal, or even a writing goal! For example, you could plan to read 50 books by the end of summer; or you could begin a new practice of free writing a minimum of 500 words every day. Start small; work your way up from there.

Plan Your Education

Newsflash: We’re halfway through the year! Do you need CECs? If so, how are you doing?

Many new courses and training programs begin in the Fall; if you’ve been on the fence about a program, now’s the time to start getting your ducks in a row!

You can use the energy of Gemini (or the Planet Mercury) to help steer you in the right direction as far as where to focus your energy and your learning. Gemini vibes can also help you come up with creative solutions for restructuring your schedule and maybe even coming up with different avenues for funding your education.

Broaden Your Horizons

Visit a new place with the intention of learning something new! Explore a new town, country, or even just a new museum or cultural site. Learn a new language, or lean in to a different culture so that you can see things from a different perspective.

This doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavour. As an Air Sign, Gemini loves creativity and new concepts, and you can’t welcome new ideas into a closed mind!

I hope you enjoy our time in the Season of Gemini. To read my Wellness Tips for Gemini Season, click here!

Finally, in the spirit of our Twin Sign, I’m going to leave you with two bits of advice: Have fun, but don’t overthink it 🙂

Timmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Essential OilsTimmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Image by Landon Martin

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