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Full Moon in Pisces

Full Moon in Pisces by Timmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Certified Aromatherapist Aromatherapy Essential Oils Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing

The Full Moon in Pisces occurs under a Virgo Sun, and if you recall from the New Moon in Virgo, this is a month to focus on R&R, and the current Full Moon is no exception.

Symbolized by two fish swimming away from each other, the energy of Pisces is that of the idealistic dreamer: forever torn between the world that is, and the world that could be.

The gifts of Pisces include the ability to see unlimited potential in yourself, others, and the world around you; as well as the uncanny ability to go with the flow of life. Pisces knows how to relax and trust in a better outcome. Pisces is a dreamer, not a doer, and brings an air of softness and fantasy to any situation.

These qualities are enhanced in everybody during a Pisces Full Moon, and quite often that can lead to a lot of overactive imaginations! Conflicting ideas, unwarranted assumptions, and unmet expectations are likely during this week.

That being said, this is an ideal time to dream big. Channel this energy towards thinking positively. Rather than ruminating on all of the ways that something could go wrong, focus on how it can work out in your favour. Plug yourself in to the energy of Pisces so that you can see all of the infinite possibilities that can lead you to your best life.

In the magical Water Sign of Pisces (enhanced by the strong watery energy of the Full Moon), you can either drown or surf the wave; swim against the tide, or go with the flow.

At this time, it’s best not to act on any intuitive hits. Sit on your ideas for now, let the information percolate, and really mull it over. Allow others to do the same. Those who react impulsively under the Pisces Full Moon will soon come to regret it!

Where other Water Signs (i.e., Scorpio and Cancer) can have you drowning in the depths of your emotional waves, Pisces can have you floating aimlessly in an ocean of possibility – in your mind! Left unchecked, Pisces energy can leave you stranded in fantasyland, never wanting to grow up.

Remember, Pisces is symbolized by TWO fish, and while they swim in opposite directions, they are both crucial to the equation. There is the dream, and there is the doing; there is the idea, and there is the implementation; there is fantasy, and there is reality.

On this Full Moon, see where the energy of Pisces takes you. Simply witness the ideas and information that you receive from the Universe. When the energy starts to release and the Moon wanes, then you may consider which of these thought forms is worth pursuing further.

Happy dreaming,

Timmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Essential OilsTimmie Horvath Policarpio Wanechko Edmonton Reiki Training Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Photo credit: Christopher Campbell

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